Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl Weekend Recap

Friday – Finally caught The DeVinci Code from the beginning. I’m guessing the book was better and was glad I didn’t pay money to see it at the theater.

Saturday – Decided to postpone my run until Sunday so I hit the gym. Ran a few errands then met up with Maricel at the Super JoAnn’s in Leesburg. Can you believe she has to pay an $8 toll in each direction to get to the Joann’s in NJ? Madness I tell you. Spent the rest of the day cutting fabric for a tote bag I’m making and planning my run through Ashburn since the W&OD was still pretty icy in some parts. Steve was tired from being in a swim clinic all day so we stayed in and had lobster ravioli for dinner. Crocheted a bit while he snored on the couch.

Sunday – Ran 18 miles through Arse-burn and Bored-lands. It was hillier than I expected and not having mile markers made it feel incredibly long since I had no way to gauge how far I’d gone (I obviously don’t have a GPS). Did some laundry, sewing, and started knitting a scarf while I watched Mamma Mia. I like ABBA, but the movie was awful. Horrible singing, plus the female characters were so girly that they annoyed me. An hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back but at least I spared Steve from this dreadful chick-flick. We went to a co-worker’s Superbowl party for a beer and Jell-o shooter. Some of the guys there had done Placid IM last year and were giving Steve tips about the course. If Steve had a tail, I think it would have been wagging with excitement while they were talking about the race. We finished watching Arizona lose to Pittsburg at Helen’s. I’m not a big football fan, but was hoping the underdog would win.


Anonymous said...

I love the tote bag you made for me! It's the perfect size and color. Thanks so much!

CherryDeGrassi said...

You're very welcome. Hope you had a great bday. :)