Friday - Pizza a la Costco (tomatoes w/ mozarella) and channel surfing. Zzzzz...
Saturday - Shorter than usual run of 12 miles. Swung by Potomac River Running and Spokes for some running and biking gear since both stores were having sales on their winter apparel. After our shopping spree, it was off to my sister's and BIL's. The four of us went to a dinner at the Fort Meade Officer's Club that benefited a scholarhip fund for underpriveleged kids. They gave out prizes to the two couples who had been married the longest. The couple married 50 years won a dinner and limo ride; the couple in second place who were married 49 years got just the dinner. Why are old married couples so darn cute? After dinner we vegged out and watched Pineapple Express. Stupid funny but I actually stayed awake for the whole thing.
Sunday - Breakfast! Staying at Casa Espinas is like staying at a filipino B&B. Joe fried up some eggs, longanisa, and of course rice, and I cooked up some crepes that we served with Nutella and strawberries. Oink. Steve and I headed home and had to take a nap to recover from our food fatigue. Spent the rest of the day working on a revised crochet hook case and continued working on the scarf (pattern here) that I'm knitting.
Monday - Gym, run, then met up with Lead Dog Terri to check out the progress on the store. Looks great ~ so excited for her.
Grabbed some grub at Panera's, and checked out the bargains at TJ Maxx before going home to kill a few hours. Steve and I headed over to Broadlands to meet up with his tri-friend Joe for dinner.
The end.
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