Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Factoids #81-100

The final 20.

81. In the summer I only use the A/C in the car when I’m dressed up (for example, weddings) or if I have passengers.

82. Orchids are my favorite flower.

83. I have a strong sense of smell. If I start to avoid you, check your pits.

84. I think baths are disgusting. Any time I’ve taken one, it’s always followed by a shower.

85. My parents were originally going to name me Jennifer.

86. I once took a class to get my pilot’s license. I didn’t pursue it because I didn’t have much money for the flight time, plus I wasn’t sure I trusted myself to fly a plane.

87. I have days when people mistake me for being Hispanic and speak to me in Spanish.

88. I don’t enjoy baby or wedding showers. I’ll go to them, but I usually end up leaving and having a beer.

89. The first time I took my drivers test I failed because I didn’t come to a complete stop at a stop sign. I was turning right from the stop sign and the only thing to our left was a brick wall. If something had come crashing through that wall and onto the course, I still have the right of way in my opinion.

90. Free food samples at stores like Costco give me the eeby-jeebies.

91. I’ve never broken a bone or had major surgery.

92. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled I enjoyed the laughing gas (pina colada scented btw) too much and was asked to stop humming so they could finish extracting my teeth.

93. My first car was a 1978 Toyota Celica with over 200K miles on it that had been passed down from my uncle, to my cousin, to my other cousin, and then down to me. I loved that car even though I had to push it several times when it broke down.

94. I’m not a very good spitter. When I eat sunflower seeds in the car and attempt to spit the shells out the window, they usually end up on my chin or in the back seat.

95. Smooth peanut butter trumps crunchy.

96. I can’t stand the Electric Slide or any other line dance for that matter.

97. To me, the only sound worst than Styrofoam rubbing together is bagpipes. When I hear bagpipes, I picture someone squeezing the air out of road kill.

98. I’ve only gone to a firing range once. I couldn’t hit my target but I did manage to hit the line that was holding the target.

99. I love champagne – even the cheap ones.

100. I had my first drink at 3. My Dad accidentally left his beer unattended and I had a few sips. Mom says it looked like I was having a good time.


M. said...

I LOVE Costco free food samples. I got full off of them once.

Bubba Harmon said...

#98 That was sooo cool. I still tell that story every so often. When the cable snapped and your target hit the floor I thought I was going to pee myself; I was laughing so hard. "Quick! Run away. Do you think they saw it?"