Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Saturday – Finally had a run that didn’t leave me feeling completely discouraged. Good thing since I have exactly a month until National. Visited the ‘rents who got back from a month-long visit to the Motherland (as Maricel calls it) last Sunday. They brought back an assortment of goodies including dried mangos, candies, a purse, more pearl jewelry than I know what to do with, and of all things Crocs. I think Crocs are some of the ugliest shoes ever made but these might actually make it onto my feet since they’re more like sandals that the Flinstones would wear if they actually wore shoes. They also brought back this folded cardboard hat thingy that’s environmentally friendly and versatile as my BIL Joe demonstrates in the pictures below.

Sunday – Besides going to the gym, running some errands, and single-handedly demolishing an entire bag of dried mangoes, I have no idea where the day went. I did waste an hour or so checking out paint combinations online since none of the eight swatches on my kitchen wall are jumping out at me. And I did work on version 1.2 of a crochet hook case for a little bit. I attempted to knit some Easter eggs that looked cute online but I found myself bored with the pattern and annoyed with my fraying yarn. Threw in the usual Sunday loads of laundry. Discussed the potential nastiness of the water that Steve swims in/swallows during Sunday evening swim class; his class uses the same pool where 20+ mini-humans take a class right before his. Watched about an hour of the Oscars before deciding I just didn’t give a hoot and opted to go to bed.

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