Friday, February 6, 2009

Factoids #41-60

41. When I misplace things, I become obsessive and can’t stop looking for it until I find it. If I can’t find it, I think about it for weeks.

42. I was going to join the Navy if I couldn’t find a job six months out of college.

43. I think it’s ridiculous that teachers aren’t supposed to use red pens when they grade students’ assignments because it’s too traumatic on the kids. Suck it up: life is full of disappointments.

44. My hands have been wrinkly ever since I was a kid. My palms have more lines than that of the average person.

45. I’m not a big believer in God, but I believe in karma.

46. Every car I’ve owned has been a stick shift.

47. I once thought I was 5’ 3” and actually had it on my driver’s license. The next time I got my license renewed, the lady at the DMV said she didn’t think that was right and measured me.

48. My first pet was a black Labrador name Kelly. She was hit by a car behind our house and I thought she was just sleeping. I cried even though she terrorized me.

49. I used to tell people in bars who I didn’t want to talk to that my name was Anna Dela Cruz. It was a cue to my friends that I was ready to go.

50. I’ve never sung karaoke. I think the karaoke machine is the worst invention.

51. I don’t sing in the shower, but I do make up songs for stupid things when I’m at home.

52. I think that if a wedding engagement is broken off, the woman should return the engagement ring unless the groom-to-be cheated on her, emptied her bank account, or done something that could land him in jail.

53. I believe in capital punishment and think that prison just expands a criminal’s network.

54. I think that child molesters should be executed.

55. I saw the movie Dracula when I was 5. I slept with the covers up to my eyes for years.

56. My Dad tried teaching me how to swim by taking me out on a raft at the beach and then flipping it over when it was too deep for me to stand up. It didn’t work.

57. In high school, I was a band geek and in the National Honor Society but many of my friends were “stoners” from troubled homes. It didn’t hit me until recently that they probably hung out at my house because it was an escape from their situations.

58. I gained 20 lbs when we moved to MD from HI when I was in 8th grade. I hated it here.

59. I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions. If you want to do something, do it. Why wait until January 1st?

60. I can sit on the beach for hours doing nothing and not get bored, but if I'm sitting in front of the TV I need something to do with my hands.


Bubba Harmon said...

#55 Childhood Movie Memories
I remeber, when I was 4, going to see Willy Wonka and just having to get that big bag of peanut butter Oompas. While riding home from the movie I puked all over the back seat of the family car and my sister! Gosh I miss the old Oompas; not the fruity ones they sell now.

CherryDeGrassi said...

Oompas? I don't think I've ever had those or knew they existed.