Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spam and prom dates

Friday - Steve had to work late so I enjoyed my broiled salmon and sauteed spinach dinner solo. Caught the end of the news in time to hear a story about Spam's increasing popularity. Being filipino, Spam might as well be another food group in addition to rice. We grew up eating Spam, fried rice, and eggs for breakfast. My parents used to send cases of it back to their families in the Philippines as if it was some luxury item. Spent the rest of the night finishing up the tote that I vowed to never make again.

Oh! I almost forget to mention that my senior prom date wants to be my FB pal. She's married and has three kids. I told Maricel about this on Friday and she brought to my attention that I hadn't published the factoid about me going to the prom with a girl. That and other useless facts about me coming soon to a theater near you.

Saturday - After a crappy night of about 5 hours of sleep, I headed out the door at 7a.m. for what turned out to be a miserable 22-mile run. It was one of those runs that made me question why I do this to myself. I'm hoping that it was the lack of sleep that made this one suck so much. I wanted to quit half way through but was in Leesburg and had no choice but to schlep my achy feet back home. Bleh. I was pretty pooped when I got back home so I put my grand plans of getting things done around the house on hold. Steve and I checked out some local bike shops before heading to Outback for dinner. The wings, filet and scallop griller, dessert sampler and tall white ale knocked me out on the couch by 9:00. Yes - I do eat like lumberjack.

Sunday - Went out to Leesburg to run the hill at Thomas Mill. It's a short run, but a real butt kicker. After yesterday's disastrous run, it was nice to feel like I had actually done this running thing before. Tangoed with the vacuum, played hoops with the laundry, and went on a field trip to Trader Joe's. Spent the remainder of the afternoon sewing a crochet needle case with some leftover fabric from the tote.


M. said...

My mom still sends boxes of SPAM over to the motherland. Hahah.

CherryDeGrassi said...

Oh yes. Spam and corned beef hash.