Sunday, February 15, 2009

Factoids #61-80

61. Part of my 7th grade P.E. class was gymnastics. I was awful at it and still can’t do a cartwheel.

62. I tried smoking once. I dropped the cigarette down my shirt and never tried it again.

63. I’m not a big fan of pizza because it never fills me up.

64. I chew my food a lot. Someone once counted and told me I chewed 37 times.

65. I take off of work on my birthday and think that everyone should have their birthday off.

66. I find talking on cell phones uncomfortable so the longest conversation I’ve ever had on a cell phone was 17 minutes.

67. I’ll try pretty much any food once as long as it’s not still alive or bleeding.

68. I’ll eat raw seafood (sushi, oysters) but can’t stand to eat meat if it’s too pink.

69. I’ve only bought a Christmas or Valentine’s gift for one guy. Good thing I married him. My relationships always seemed to end before these gift-buying days.

70. I went to my senior prom with a girl. Her boyfriend refused to go, my date cancelled on me, so her and I figured we’d go together.

71. My first memory was when I was 3 and laying awake in a hotel room when my parents and I were moving from the Philippines to DC. My parents were asleep and I was cold, hungry, and watching a late night TV show I couldn’t understand (Johnny Carson maybe?).

72. I’m not a big fan of the Thanksgiving meal. Turkey: bleh. Stuffing: bleh. Potatoes: bleh.

73. When my family and I moved to Hawaii we had to live in a hotel for a few months and the Navy gave us a per diem for meals. I think I ate steak and eggs for breakfast almost every day.

74. Fruity cocktails make my shoulders hurt.

75. If I see someone often and don’t know their name, I’ll give the person a nickname that I’ll use in my head or when I talk to other people about the person. When I first joined the gym here, there was Old Guy, Frankenstein, Navy Seal Guy, Tootie, Jamaica Mon, David Robinson, Dumb Jock, and Broken Dryer Lady to name a few. I know most of their names now but have never told any of them their nicknames.

76. When we lived in Hawaii, kids in our school had to work in the cafeteria at least once during the school year. We had to wear the hair nets and aprons, serve food to our classmates, set up the tables, mop, etc… It was miserable but it made you appreciate what the cafeteria workers had to do every day.

77. I’ve never met a ferret I liked. The species and I have a mutual disdain for each other.

78. I believe in euthanasia and have threatened to haunt my family if they leave me hooked up to a machine.

79. When I stay in a hotel, I always look behind the shower curtain to make sure no one is hiding in the tub.

80. I used to pretend I was sleeping or sick so that I wouldn’t have to go to church or Sunday school.

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