Monday, January 12, 2009

Yes, it has been a while

Friday - Ended the already long 5-day workweek by staying until 8:45 to edit a report on dynamic airspace configurations (wha?). I was NOT a happy camper especially since there were chunks of the report missing.

Saturday - Ran my first 18-miler in months. It was a long, slow run but I was actually looking forward to it since my Friday was so crap-taculous. Saturday night was my company's holiday party. I actually had a better time than I expected to. One of the guys who lived nearby decided to have an impromptu after-party at his house. Decided we were toast by 2:00 am and called it a night.

Sunday - Useless. Spent most of the day vegged in front of the TV watching football which I really don't enjoy watching.

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