Wednesday, January 28, 2009


To join or not to join. I've gotten more than the usual number of e-mails this week asking me to join Facebook. As some of you may know, I've been very resistant to joining Facebook or MySpace. I guess partly because I don't want to be found, and partly because it's just one more site I'll have to keep up with. What to do? What to do?


M. said...

Don't do it! I always get harassed about joining to. But if they want to find me they will and they can stalk me on my blog.

Jenny Igoe said...

Facebook is very much what you make of it: you can customize pretty much every setting, including making yourself "findable."

I'm for all of my friends joining it because I love the status updates. I still read the blogs of those who have them, but it's fun to see the one-liners. :)
