Sunday, January 25, 2009

Factoids 1-20

1. At 4’ 11.5”, I’m the shortest person in my immediate family. My parents are about 5’4”, my brother is 6’ and my sister is 5’ 5 ½”.

2. My biggest fear is being kidnapped.

3. Every year in school when we had to run a timed mile, I was always within seconds of not making the cutoff. I’d finish the mile gasping for air and wanting to throw up.

4. My timed mile at the end of last summer was a 7:40. Who says you can’t improve with age?

5. The only pet I’ve had since moving out of my parents’ house are fish.

6. Seafood is my favorite food. No, I do not eat the fish mentioned in 5.

7. When I was younger, I had a crush on Tom Selleck. But now that I think about it, maybe I just liked his car and the fact that Magnum P.I. was filmed in Hawaii.

8. If I could live anywhere in the world, I’d live in Hawaii.

9. I love making things with my hands.

10. I think vomit is the most disgusting of all bodily fluids.

11. I prefer hugs to kisses and think the world would be a better place if everyone greeted each other with a hug.

12. I think being kissed on the head/forehead is a sweet but that being kissed on the hand is manipulative.

13. I spoke no English when my parents and I moved to the U.S. when I was 3. My American cousins and I managed to play and get along just fine.

14. If I had to spend the rest of my life in one outfit, it would be my gym clothes. My second choice would be my bathing suit because that would mean I was somewhere warm and just didn’t give a hoot what I looked like.

15. I’ve never been stung by a bee or wasp.

16. Mosquitos feast on me. I suppose this is the world’s way of making up for me never being stung.

17. I was brought up Catholic but no longer believe in religion. I know it makes some people feel better, but it’s not for me.

18. I’ve only met two other people named Cherry. The first was Cherry Suzuki when we lived in Hawaii. The second was a friend of a friend who used to live in Leesburg, VA.

19. I have an alter-ego who I refer to as Rowdy Cherry that comes out when I’ve had too much to drink. I hear she's a lot of fun.

20. My nose is always the first thing to get sunburned.


Bubba Harmon said...

I've met Rowdy. She can definitely be classified as fun.

CherryDeGrassi said...

LOL - she's trouble.