Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Weekend Recap

Why do long weekends fly by?

Wednesday - Worked at home in the morning and then finished baking pine nut cookies to take over to Helen's. Dinner at Helen's with Christine and her crew plus Aunt Patty and Dave. Low key this year. No one got too rowdy from margaritas. In other words, no interesting pictures to share.

Thursday - Opened gifts from Santa Steve. The biggest surprise was the desk that I wanted but I had forgotten to put on my wish list. I also got replacement knitting needles since I accidently gave mine away; we'll save that story for another day.

Headed over to Mom & Dad's and spent most of the day playing Wii, stuffing our faces, and exchanging gifts which of course included our annual white elephant gift exchange. This year I ended up with Santa Spud. My sister was the big winner with a Granny Racers game.

Friday - Made the mistake of going to the mall along with the rest of NoVA. Note to self: don't go out to any store the day after Christmas. I have no idea what I did with the rest of my day. I think I spent it doing some combination of sewing, eating, and maybe more eating? Stayed in Friday evening to watch Hancock. Cheesy in some parts, but I was entertained enough that I didn't feel the urge to knit, crochet, or do something else to pass the time.

Saturday - Gym, Starbucks, then work. I wanted to finish the users guide that I was working on so that I could bill the company and get paid for the work. We lost power just after I e-mailed the document off so I had no choice but to go to G Street Fabrics. Spent the rest of the afternoon sewing before Steve and I went out to pick up some grub and another movie. This time we picked up Stepbrothers. Sucked. I was bored about 20 minutes into it and spent the rest of the movie crocheting.

Sunday - Met up with Steve's tri buddies for a tourist-y run in DC. Spent the rest of the day craftin' away.

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