Monday, January 19, 2009

Arctic Weekend

Friday - Stayed inside where it was warm and watched 50 First Dates for the zillionth time. I figured if I can't be somewhere warm, I may as well watch a movie filmed somewhere warm and pretend that I'm there too.

Saturday - Woke up at 6am to hear that it was 1 degree at Dulles. Joy. The temps made for a brutal 20-mile training run. When we started running, the cold air made my eyes water but the tears instantly froze to my face. I learned that running when it's this cold causes frost to form on your eyelashes so that it looks like you have white mascara on. In addition to being frosty, your eyebrows tend to expand in every direction so you can see just how long they are. Steve had perfectly round little snowballs at the end of the hairs on his goatee. Our bottles of water and Gatorade were frozen so it made for a long, dehydrated run. We managed to finish, but it probably took us 20-25 minutes longer than it should have because of the cold weather.

After defrosting, breakfast and showers, we headed over to my parents to visit. They're headed to the Philippines later this week and will be there until sometime in mid-February.

Sunday - Spent the first part of the day doing laundry and working on a scarf that I'm knitting. Went to Helen's to watch football and stuff our faces.

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