Sunday, December 14, 2008

Weekend Recap

Friday - Low key evening with Esteban: lasagna followed by my beating him in 9 holes of Wii golf.

Saturday - Gym immediately followed by a trip to Target. I'm sure no one at Target appreciates my stinky, sweaty self in there at 8:30 a.m., but too bad. I don't like crowds and going first thing in the morning lets me get it out of the way. (Besides, I can treat myself to Starbucks while I'm there.) Went to JoAnn's to pick up some goods for a few tote bags I'm going to make. On my way out of the parking lot I saw my favorite pair: a guy in his early 20s and his elderly grandmom (or much older mom). I've run into them a few times at Michael's on Saturday mornings and am guessing it's a weekly outing he makes with her. Very sweet. He walks patiently with her although she moves r-e-a-l-l-y s-l-o-w with her cane. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside when I see how sweet he is with her.

We actually picked up our tree this weekend which is extremely early for us. Twenty-five smackaroos but it's definitely the tallest and fullest tree we've ever had. Afterwards I dragged Steve to Costco to get the grocery shopping out of the way then it was over to Claude Moore park to watch his nephews' swim meet. Spent the evening stuffing our face with a margharita pizza, drinking wine, and watching the movie Ironman.

Oh! Our neighbor gave us these gorgeous little candy things and said it was some kind of Thai dessert. I had to know what they were and found out they're called luk chup.

Sunday - 12-miler out on the Leesburg section of the W&OD. Spent most of the day craftin' it up and adding stuff to our wishlists on Wishpot. I love, love, love this site. Had this been around in the 90s, I'd like to hope that I would have gotten fewer sweaters with dainty little flowers and teddy bears sewn on them. Do I really look like the teddy bear wearin' kind?

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