Monday, December 22, 2008

Pre-Christmas Weekend Recap

Friday – Spent the evening with my Chipotle burrito bol and The Hulk (the movie, not Steve). Okay I suppose, but I can’t help but associate Ed Norton with crazy, just like I associate Adam Sandler with silly.

Saturday – Met Nina at 8:00 for a 2 hour-ish run around DC. We started at the Iwo Jima Memorial, headed out to Hains Point, the Mall, and took a quick detour to check out the National tree before heading back. It was the perfect way to spend the morning and a nice reminder that I really do need to get into the city more to take advantage of what’s out there.

Spent the rest of the day baking, baking, and baking. This year’s assortment includes chocolate with cherries (very dense), crispy chocolate chip, pretzels w/ Kisses and M&Ms, and pine nut cookies (my personal favorite). BTW, where the heck are all the Hershey Hugs??? I had to use plain ole Kisses because Hugs are no where to be found.

That night, one of the ladies that Steve has trained with in the past was having a party at her house, er, McMansion. This is now the second house I’ve been to in the last month that has made my jaw drop. Unless I’m housing Hugh Hefner and his bunnies, I just don’t understand why anyone would want a house that big. It seemed like this house had more unused guest bedrooms than we have rooms in our townhome. The stainless steel stove was big enough to roast a few toddlers and the entire house had been professionally decorated ~ I’m guessing decorating a place that big requires something more upscale than Ikea or Target. Anyhoo… it was still fun to hang out with Steve’s tri buddies.
Sunday – Woke up early to get some work done on the user guide I’m supposed to have ready by January. Steve and I stopped by my parents before we all headed over to my cousin’s pre-Christmas family get-together. Being in the midst of present-opening chaos reminded me of the many Christmas mornings I spent with these cousins when we lived in DC.

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