Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bonus Recap

It’s been such a good week I figured I'd do a recap while I chowed down on my ham, egg, and cheese bagel. Delish. Even better topped off with my gingerbread latte and sips of the pumpkin latte I got for Steve (don't tell).

Monday – Work was boring but I came home to find a care package from Al. I thought she had bought this therapeutic bag thingy she sent but it turns out she made it herself. I miss my craftletic pal.

Tuesday – Had lunch with former co-workers Jenny, Kathleen, and Lisa. I sure do miss working with them, but it was great to catch up even if it was just for just a little while. I also talked to a friend from the gym that I hadn’t seen for a few weeks. Good times.

Wednesday – Work then off to Il Fornaio in Reston to meet Terri and Flo for drinks. I finally got to give Terri-er the cross stitch of her doggy store logo that I’ve had ready for months, and Flo the knitting needle case that I made her. Oh. Did I mention I love vodka tonics?

Thursday – Found out I may actually have a chance to move to the new section of the office they’re building out which will have more windows. Our current cube area is pretty unwelcoming: no sunlight and black ceiling tiles. Bleh. Took a long lunch to meet with a small company that needs a user guide written. They need it by early January, but it seems doable. I’m not actively looking for freelance work, but the extra mula is always welcome and it’s a fairly straightforward project. I got back to the office just in time for the free luncheon that the building management was putting on. Artichoke & crab dip, roast beef sandwiches, chocolate fondue… these are a few of my favorite things. Came home to find more presents! This time Maricel send me some smell-good soaps that are too cute to funkify with my germs and dirt.

Friday – I won! Our building management had a raffle for a $50 Best Buy gift card and I won. Woohoo! Maricel suggested I buy Cooking Mama for the Wii, but we also need ink for our printer. Decisions, decisions.


Jenny Igoe said...

Congrats on the gift card! :)

How do you learn about freelance gigs? That's something I've been thinking about getting into for a long time. I know about some of the sites I can register with, but do you have any other tips?


CherryDeGrassi said...

I've used, but mostly have gotten leads from former co-workers.