Monday, December 8, 2008

Steve's Bday Weekend Recap

Friday - Stayed in making brownie cupcakes w/ PB icing, and a ham & potato crock pot concoction for Saturday's lunch. Dull, I know but too bad.

Saturday - Went out for a frosty 12-miler with Tracy at o'dark thirty. The DeGuzman crew came over around noon to watch Navy beat Army (34-0). Steve opened his bday presents during half-time and promptly went downstairs after the Navy game to set up his Wii. We all took turns playing until around 6ish when other family and friends showed up. Watched the pathetic Pacquiao vs. De La Hoya fight. I liked De La Hoya in his prime, but considering how his last few fights have turned out I think it's time for him to hang up the gloves.

Sunday - Made Steve, Chris, Rob, and Joe the Cupcake breakfast before playing 9 holes of Wii golf. Silly how pretty they can make a cartoon golf course. Spent the rest of the day lounging around. Realized around 6pm that other than my run on Saturday morning, I didn't leave the house at all. Eeek.


Jenny Igoe said...

Matt and I watched that fight, too, out at the bar. I bet him his cover charge (which I'd paid) that De La Hoya would win, just because he was cuter. :D My theory held for all of the undercard fights, with the pretty boys winning 3-0, but then ... well, you know. *grin* Pacquiao was amazing to watch, though, and the chick who sang the Philippine national anthem totally kicked Keishia Cole's ass!


M. said...

Happy birthday Steve. You have been Wii blessed. Congrats!