Saturday, December 20, 2008

2008 Stats

  • Number of running shoes: 3
  • Number of races finished: 6
  • Total miles run: 1393.2 miles
  • Hours run: 208 hours, 32 minutes, 32 seconds (8 days, 16 hours)
  • Toenails sacrificed: ½. Despite suffering a bruised pinky toenail after the National Marathon in March, the little sucker never fell off. I’m guessing the new one decided to grow under the damaged one.


  • Times we’ve eaten at Chipotle: Too many to count. For a while there it was a weekly thing, but we’ve cut back so that we don’t feel obligated to give the employees a Christmas gift. Kidding. Kinda.
  • Burgers eaten: About 4: One mushroom Swiss at Cheeseburger in Paradise back in January with my family, and another mushroom Swiss a few weeks ago in NYC. I’m adding an extra two burgers for barbeques we might have attended. Burger trumps hot dog.
  • Gallons of milk: Approximately 26. We go through about a gallon a week and I tend to use slightly more than Steve since I put some in my oatmeal/cereal and also have a glass to wash my vitamins down.

Other useless stats:

  • Number of in-person job interviews: 2. Interview number one was with VW. Approximately 2-3 hours long and consisted of a “test” and panel interview. They never returned my calls so I’m guessing I wasn’t Vdub material. Interview number two was with the company I’m currently working for. I was a little skeptical about taking it, but figured I really had nothing to lose. Okay, maybe I lost the parking garage and a window office but I can deal with that.
  • Number of different colors of interior paints purchased: 15ish. Actually used 4 colors, the rest of the colors didn’t work out. Fortunately most of these were the sample size.
  • Number of hair appointments: 6
  • Number of people I know who have died: 3. Steve’s grandmom, John a former project manager, and a friend’s stepfather.
  • Number of hangovers: 2. It’s funny how my definition of a hangover has changed through the years. In my 20s, a hangover would have meant praying to the porcelain gods while simultaneously trying to recall what I drank to make me so sick and vying to never drink that much again. These days, I define a hangover as anytime that I feel groggy (which includes a headache) due to having too much to drink. Event number one was the night before Steve’s grandmom’s funeral. The “quick bite to eat” with his NJ cousins who we don’t see often turned into closing down a TGI Fridays, a bar, and finishing off a bottle of wine back at the hotel. Event number two was Steve’s 40th just a few weeks ago where I had too many margaritas that resulted in me having a gnarly headache when I woke up at 5:30 am to find the boys still playing Wii.
  • Times inside a church: 2 (one funeral, one wedding)
  • Times thrown out of a bar: 1, but that’s one for my entire life.
  • Times I’ve flown: 2 - pathetic. I need to go on more trips.
  • Number of beach visits. 1 – truly unacceptable. I spent a few hours on the beach in FL while Steve and the rest of his tri-people were off doing their thing. Ran on the beach early in the morning, had breakfast, then plunked myself into a cushioned beach lounger. Heaven. Granted we went to a lake “beach” in NH and then to Deep Creek Lake in July, but I don’t consider those real beaches.

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