Monday, June 29, 2009

Weekend Blur

Saturday – This morning’s run was a 10-miler with 4 miles in the middle at goal pace. I was trying to maintain a 9:00 pace during the goal pace miles, but my dang watch was resetting itself in the middle of the mile so I had no idea what pace I was running. I’ve decided that my next heart rate monitor/watch will include a GPS that automatically tracks my distance and pace. My last goal pace mile was a 9:12 and it was uphill so I’m hoping the other miles were a tad faster and close to my target.

Spent the majority of the afternoon on our deck writing a document for Steve’s Ironman entourage. The Grassi Guide to the Lake Placid Ironman includes information on what to pack, what to expect, maps, and the one thing that if I catch them doing will result in a beating from yours truly. (In case you’re wondering, that one thing is interfering with the course.) That evening I volunteered at the Twilight 4-miler in Ashburn. I was happy to be assigned to work the bag check tent and not the kid’s fun(k) area.

Sunday – Run, crepes, chores, veg.

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