Saturday, June 27, 2009

Travis and the Little Ladies

My sister-in-law forwarded this letter and picture from her kids' swim coach. The pic is of our 15 year old nephew Travis who is a junior coach for the swim team with some of the kids from the team. I thought it was too cute and had to share.


Dear Eagle Family,

If there is ever any question as to why our team has been so successful and why it is so much fun to be on the Eagles, I think that this photo sums it up. Each generation of swimmers is made to feel part of an experience. My children were welcomed by swimmers who are now in their thirties. Our team consistantly wins meets because our older swimmers come back every year and the younger ones don't forget how much fun it was as a 6 and under. I hope the file is not too big.Thank you to ALL of our assistant and junior coaches. It is through you that we set a standard not matched in the ODSL.

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