Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Other Man

Me: So I realized this morning that Steve has gone away with Joe more times than he's gone away with me this year
Me: Joe:4 - Me:0
Me: I'm not sure if I should be jealous
Al: lol
Al: the other man
Me: i know!
Me: I'm feelin like a 3rd wheel
Me: I made sure to say good night to him before he called Joe b/c they can talk forever
Al: heh heh...i think other women would be worried....lots of working out....lots of spandex....another man....cherry. i'm sorry to break it to you....but Steve's gone gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Matt has a friend who he would text/email during every baseball game (and other times): I started referring to him as his boyfriend. Matt never went away with another guy, though ... hmm... ;)
