Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Toys

Remember when you were a kid and you finally got the new toy or bike that you had been dreaming of? I remember that all I wanted to do was run home from school, finish my homework, so that I could play with that new toy. That new bike was eventually replaced with Pacman and Space Invaders. In my teens, my favorite pastime was talking on the phone so call-waiting and three-way lines were my new “toys”. And then there was my first car: a 1978 Toyota Celica with a sunroof. She had 200,000+ miles when I inherited her from my cousin Tony, who inherited her from my other cousin Debbie, who inherited her from my uncle. She was almost like a family heirloom. I cried when she suffered a premature death after being rear-ended.

In my 20s, new bars and adult beverages became my source of excitement. Bonus points to those bars that had happy hour specials and free food. Eventually, clothes and shoes became my thing – my Dad called me Imelda Marcos on several occasions. When I started going to the gym and running, I supplemented my clothing collection with enough moisture-wicking material to dry up the Amazon. Unearthing my crafty side brought about the discovery of many “toys” that I had to have: yarn, needles, sewing machines, fabric, hooks, and a whole new world of gadgets.

Which brings us to 2009. Our new front-loading washer and dryer from Sears was delivered today. The washer has more options than I’ll probably ever need. The dryer is big enough for me to hide in should I ever have the need.


M. said...

WOWSERS. Did Kelly Ripa sucker you too?! I'm jealous. We have one of those apt double decker ones. But at least we have one in our apartment rather than going to a laundry mat!

Bubba Harmon said...

I can hear the conversation now:

"Have you seen Cherry?"

"No, but check in the dryer."

Maybe that explains your small size; someone left you in the dryer too long and you shrank!

Just kidding....