Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tussey mOUTaiNBACK

Someone in our running group put something on the message board about registration for the Tussey Mountain 50-miler opening up. It’s one of the few ultramarathons that isn’t a trail run. Intrigued, I posted some questions I had about training for a 50-miler on the board. What kind of base do I need to have? Is 20 weeks enough time to train? Can I still run my marathon which is 7 weeks after the 50-miler?

Keep in mind I posted these completely out of curiousity because I’d like to do one… before I die, not necessarily in 146 days. The responses I’ve gotten have varied. From my running friend Mandy:
Did you see the elevation chart???
Are you going to “DNS” (Did Not Start) the Philly Marathon?
“…isn’t as difficult as…” Don’t kid yourself, it’s 50 MILES (FIFTY MILES).

From Al: I think that’d be awesome. (Of course keep in mind she did an Ironman so her thinking may be a bit out of whack.)

I mentioned it to Steve and he just gave me the same look he gives me when I’ve had too much to drink. But he’s training for an IM so he’s just as crazy. The ultramarathoners from the running group have been extremely helpful and very supportive – even though I actually haven’t committed to doing the race. One guy has offered to hook me up with some ultra-expert that he knows. Another lady has given me suggestions on how to train the next few weeks, and dates for when her and I can run together. Her e-mail ends with, “I know you can do it and I will help you.”

Uh oh.

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