Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

My long weekend was spent mostly running or recovering from my run.

Saturday – Met up with Liz for an easy 2 ½ hour run. She’s an ultra-marathoner in our group so it was great to pick her brain for some training advice. For the second week in a row, I was the only person in my swimming class. I’d like to say it’s getting easier, but it seems the more I try, the more I realize just how much I’m doing wrong. Since Steve was out of town until Sunday night, I decided to force myself to practice for another hour after class ended. Exhausting.
I spent the rest of the day running errands, watching chick-flicks, and working on a few projects.

Sunday – Met up with some people from our running group to head over to Maryland Heights for a trail run. The loop was a little over 11 miles but the hardest run I’ve done so far. The terrain wasn’t bad but it was knuckle-dragging steep. I had no idea my heart rate could get so high from walking. Post-run we all went to Panera to refuel. I’m not really sure what I did the rest of Sunday. I know there was a much-needed shower, web-surfing, a trip to Chipotle, and CSI episodes sprinkled in there, but that’s all I can remember.

Monday – I promised myself after Sunday’s run that I would not run today so I hit the gym instead. Steve and I headed to Eggspectations for a late breakfast, then went into Leesburg. Even though his mom was out of town we were meeting his sister and nephews at his mom’s house for some BBQing and swimming. The storm came in sooner than we expected and didn’t pass like we all thought it would, but we still opted to eat outside huddled under an umbrella.

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