Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Turquoise Green with Envy

It’s no secret that my goal in life is to end up on some tropical island. Who needs the corporate ladder when you can have sand between your toes 24/7? When I read about Ben Southall winning The World’s Best Job to be the caretaker of some island off of Australia I couldn’t help but be jealous. This guy gets to live in a 3-bedroom villa, feed the fish, take care of the pool, and all the other painstaking responsibilities of island living (note the sarcasm here) for 6 months. In exchange he’ll have to blog about what’s going on on the island – poor guy. Oh, and did I mention he’s getting paid $150,000? I was telling Steve about it this morning and he jokingly asked if I would take such a job. My response: “Heck yeah! I’d take the job without even asking you if you’d be okay with it because I figured you could live without me for a little while.” Jealous, so jealous.

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