Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Birthday Weekend

Friday – Hello 37! I kicked the day off by hitting the gym and then going for a leisurely run without a watch. It was pretty nice to run without being concerned about my pace. Next on the schedule was a massage with Mary, a trip to Trader Joe’s and Great Harvest, followed by sushi with Lisa. After my relaxing morning, I had to take care of some domestic responsibilities: grocery shopping, vacuuming and cleaning. Still beats having to work on my birthday. For dinner, Steve took me to The Melting Pot. Mmmm mmm good. He surprised me with a Flip Mino. This will be great to have when he does his Ironman in Lake Placid since it’s small enough to slip into my pocket or purse.

Saturday – Headed to Ashburn for a 12-miler with the group. The main discussion point of the run was this guy Chris who was running the Massanutten 100-miler that started at 5a.m. Runners have 36 hours to complete the distance. After the run, I dragged myself to swimming class where I was the only student this week. Nothing like having a bunch of parents who are waiting for their kiddies watch me as I struggled through the water. At first it bothered me but then I figured that many of them likely couldn’t swim very well either. The only difference was that I had the kahunas to admit it and do something about it. (Whether or not this was the actual case is unknown, but it made me feel better enough to ignore them.) For whatever reason, the instructor decided to try to teach me the breast stroke. I’m sure my breast stroke looked more like a frog having a seizure.

After my activity-filled morning, I lounged around a bit before my family showed up for what my sister called “Meat-fest 2009”. My parents marinated a bunch of meat, and then my BIL decided he wanted to bring kabobs also. Dr. Atkins would have been proud. The rest of the day was spent drinking, eating, and eating some more.

Sunday – Made a pancake breakfast for Steve, my sister, BIL, and bro. After everyone vacated the house, I spent the afternoon knitting and watching TV. To casual observers it probably looked as if I was doing nothing, but I actually was able to finish one of the sleeves for the sweater that I’m making. I thought about going for a run but opted to watch the DVR’d season finale of Gray’s Anatomy. (Why does that stupid show always have a tendency to make me cry?)

1 comment:

M. said...

It's ok, Ugly Betty ALWAYS make me cry.