Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fingerless Gloves: Part I

I think fingerless gloves with a mitten flip-top are the best. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a pic:

They keep your hands warm, but let you easily expose your fingers when you need them. Perfect for when you're feeling around your coat pocket for change, trying to get an eyelash out of your eye, or any other task that requires skin-to-object touching. I decided to try knitting the glittens (gloves + mittens) above and have managed to finish the fingerless gloves portion of the pattern.

Now all I need to do is knit the flip-top mitten. Unfortunately it requires picking up stitches: a task I absolutely hate and suck at. I think I whined about having to pick up stitches when I knitted the cable cap a few weeks ago. Completing this project is going to require some serious motivation and patience on my part so it may sit in the "hibernating" projects pile for a little longer.

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