Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fingerless Gloves: Part II

After several failed attempts to follow the directions exactly, I decided to throw caution to the wind. Since I didn't have the number of stitches to pick up as specified by the pattern, I just picked up whatever number of stitches I had across the glove. I then had to cast on the same number of stitches to make the finger hoodie.

"Why didn't I do this earlier?" you ask. Because I'm a law-abiding citizen that feels wreckless when she doesn't follow directions exactly as written. In addition, it might be because I get annoyed when someone asks my how to do something in an application that I've written an user manual for. RTFM.

This was a pretty easy pattern to make and while I do love this style of glove/mitten, I'm not sure I'll make it again. Why? (1) I find having to stop knitting to put stitches on hold rather annoying. (2) I find weaving in the yarn ends cumbersome when there's one end. With this I have to weave in the ends for all the finger holes, plus the hoodie, plus anywhere I had to re-join the yarn. (3) There are way too many patterns I want to try to make this one again.


M. said...

Whoa!!! So awesome!!! My 1/2 birthday is February 10 ;)

CherryDeGrassi said...

LOL - I'll keep your half birthday in mind.