Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My Latest Addiction

Brussel sprouts. You heard me right and I'm not ashamed. I can't stop eating these little suckers that are hated by most people I know. Now I admit that my first encounter with them in October was not so pleasant. I made the mistake of steaming them and they stunk up my house and tasted like bitter, mini cabbages.

After filing a complaint with Al who raved about them, she suggested I toss them with olive oil and garlic salt and brown them in a pan. Voila! the love affair began. If I'm feeling lazy I toss them in the broiler for about 15-20 minutes like I did tonight. Mmmm mmm.
How bad is this addiction? Well, if I had to choose between brussel sprouts and chocolate right now, I'm afraid the sprouts would win.

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