Friday, July 31, 2009

Other Lake Placid Highlights

  • Saw Matt Long - a NYC firefighter who was crushed by a bus. He finished the IM in just under the 17 hour cutoff. He had a group of supporters ushering him into the stadium and the crowd went wild when he entered. More about Matt Long here.
  • Ran a very hilly 18-mile training run with Mandy. We were both beat afterwards.
  • Al and I visited Adirondack Yarns for some yarn lovin.
  • Took a boat ride around Lake Placid (IM swim was in smaller Mirror Lake) and saw several "camps" that were owned by those with more money than moi. One of these "camps" was only used 4 days out of the year. Also learned that the deepest part of Lake Placid is 200+ feet deep.
  • We visited the Olympic ski jump and actually saw a few people going off the jump. Pretty cool, mildly insane.

  • Rode up to Whiteface Mountain and walked through a tunnel that went through the mountain. It was a balmy 38 degrees in the tunnel. From there, we took an elevator 27 stories to the top of the mountain.

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