Friday, July 24, 2009

Settling Into LP

We left our house yesterday at 4:30am and got into Lake Placid around 2:30pm. Not bad considering we stopped twice. Our rental home is ginormous! It's more house than I'd ever want, so I'm glad we're only here for a week because I couldn't imagine having to keep it clean and tidy. It also has some unexpected features including a butt fountain - known to most people as a bidet:

And a sauna.
With the exception of Al, everyone else who is staying with us will be here later today. It'll be nice to have more people here so that I don't feel like I've broken into someone's home.
I went for my first run this morning and dreaded every downhill I ran because I knew I'd have to come up that same hill eventually. Besides that, it was awesome. Crisp air with the faint scent of pine.

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