Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4th Weekend

Friday – Gotta love long weekends! Met up with folks from the running group to tackle our long run over Thomas Mill. Thomas Mill Road is about a mile long but has the most challenging hills in the area that aren’t up a mountain. Our treat for finishing the run were breakfast sandwiches at South Street Under – Mmm mmm. Later that day we saw Ice Age 3. Cute, but a little slow. The first Ice Age is still my favorite. Mosied around Algonkian Park for a while since it was a nice day. That night we watched Slumdog Millionaire. It was probably one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. Emotionally draining for me so I don’t think I could watch it again, but definitely worth seeing if you haven’t seen it already.

Saturday – Headed into Ashburn for the group run and ended up running with one of my former co-workers. It was fun to talk about running and nothing at all about my former employer. Worked on my cardigan for a little while before heading over to my MIL’s house. Spent the afternoon hanging out at her pool before walking a few blocks to watch the fireworks.

Sunday – Went to the gym since I only made it in once the week before. Ran some errands with Esteban before collapsing on the couch

1 comment:

Bubba Harmon said...

I guess I am one of the few who thought Slumdog was a real dog of a movie. Peg thought the same so at least I am not alone.