Monday, July 13, 2009

Erasable Day

Wouldn’t it be nice to have one day where you could do or say whatever you wanted without consequences and then have that entire day erased? Imagine if you could rear-end the person who cut you off… repeatedly; door ding the car of those people who just can’t manage to stay within the lines with a baseball bat; and say what is really on your mind to those annoying co-workers. Then, when the next day rolls along, it would be as if none of it ever happened. No one would remember anything you said. All property damage would be taken care of.

I just haven’t decided if I’d want to remember the day. Part of me would like to, but part of me worries that I might enjoy something so much I’d do it again even if I had to face the consequences. What would you do on your erasable day?


M. said...

I'd punch the person who keeps getting on my computer while I'm at lunch.

Jenny Igoe said...

I would tell my boss exactly what I think of her and our shitty program. It's my favorite current daydream. :)
