Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend Recap

Friday – Decided to leave work early. Something about having to be at work by 6:30 a.m. for two weeks straight was starting to wear on me – go figure. Did a little shopping, went to the gym, then ran some errands. Steve was in FL for a race this weekend so I spent the evening crocheting a gift for someone and watching some shows that we had recorded.

Saturday – Had planned to run a 12-miler but ended up doing 14 and feeling every last bit of the last few miles. Hard to believe that this distance felt easy just over a month ago. That afternoon I skipped off to the second half of my magic loop knitting class to finish my baby cap. Diggin’ the technique, and diggin’ the instructor Marena. After class I stopped by Red Dog Spa to see how Terri was doing and to pick up a gift. I had planned to spend the evening finishing the crochet gift but ended up mumbling an extraordinary amount of profanities. It turns out that (1) I didn’t buy enough yarn to finish the gift so I’ll need to buy more, and (2) the rest of the yarn I had was so tangled up that I spent about 2 hours trying to untangle it before decided I should to go to bed.

Sunday – So much for sleeping in; I was wide awake at 5:30. Did laundry, planted some flowers I had picked up from Home Depot, ordered more yarn, and finished untangling the mess I had from the night before. By 10 a.m. I felt like I needed a nap but had to head up to my parents because we were taking Dad out for a belated birthday lunch. We went to some sushi/hibachi/fried stuff buffet that was so-so especially considering how long it took to get there. The highlights of my meal were the mussels and fried plantains. The big lunch was followed by a food-induced coma at my parents’, ice cream, and a hot hour-long drive back to NoVA.

That’s it. I have to head back to the customer site 2 days this week for makeup classes (boo hiss) but am hoping that the week goes by fast. Next weekend: AUSTIN!

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