Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Magic Loops and Bikes

Better late than never.

Friday – TV catch-up night and early bedtime for me. I was zonked from having to be at work early all week and from not sleeping well the night before.

Saturday – 10-miler with the Ashburn group followed by a class on this magic-loop knitting technique that I’ve been wanting to learn. (More on the magic-loop coming soon for those that want to know more.) Good class and the instructor Marena was a pretty interesting character as well. The only downside is that I now have 4 concurrent yarn projects going at once. For dinner Steve and I went to Red Robin for some burgers and beers.

Sunday – Crepes with strawberries and Nutella. By the way, if you’ve never had Nutella before you need to let me know so that I can send you some for your birthday.

After breakfast Steve talked me into finally trying the bike that a friend of ours had let me borrow. The last time I was on a bike was when I was about 11 and living in Hawaii . I was riding my friend’s bike down a hill when she yelled, “The brakes don’t work!” I panicked and ran into the side of a parked car. Being that that was my last memory of being on a bike and that it was 25 years ago, I could’ve used some training wheels during the first 10 minutes. I’m sure I entertained the people in the office building of the parking lot where I was riding around but whatever. They should be thankful I didn’t run into any of their cars. I’m not quite ready to make my debut on the W&OD bike trail, but hopefully by mid-summer when I’m a little more stable and learn to gradually apply the brakes. Did some weeding (or is un-weeding?) and other unexciting chores before meeting my friend Shelly in Frederick for a late lunch. Her and I have been friends since 8th grade but unfortunately don’t get to see each other very often these days. Headed back to the homefront where Steve was making some chicken enchiladas.

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