Monday, April 6, 2009

Yarn-o-rama Weekend

Friday - Had Dick and Tracy over for dinner. (Two people, not to be confused with Dick Tracy. Just like Randy and Travis are two different nephews not be confused with the country singer Randy Travis.) I usually see them several times a week at the gym, but it's only in 3-5 minute spurts so it was nice to talk for an extended period of time.

Saturday - Met up with the Ashburn running group and ran a 10-miler with Mandy. Her and I ran alot together when I was training for the first MCM and first National Marathon I ran. After the 2008 MCM, our training schedules hadn't lined up so it was great to catch up with her. Saturday afternoon I took a beginning knitting class at Capital Yarns. I had taught myself how to knit a few years ago but figured I could use some formal "edumacation". I was the only person in the class so it ended up being a private lesson. Score! I had a great time checking out their stash of yarns. So many colors, textures, and prices. The yarns ranged from $3 to $80. Spent the rest of the afternoon finishing up the crochet shrug I had been working on and started knitting a scarf.

Went to Big Bowl in Reston for dinner and promptly fell asleep when we got home.

Sunday - Went out for an early morning solo run, had breakfast and weeded (or is it unweeded?) the back yard. I was going to visit Terri at Red Dog Spa but she was actually in Baltimore so instead I went to Joann's in Leesburg. Came home, did some more knitting, and also took the Campbell Interest and Skills Survey. I had seen it mentioned in a magazine and figured I'd put out the $18 to see what it had to say. Verdict: I need a do-over. I'll post more about the results another time after I've had a chance to go over them more thoroughly.

Below are pics of the shrug. It actually turned out better than I thought it would. Yay me.

1 comment:

M. said...

No model shot??