Sunday, March 29, 2009

Honey vs. Allegra Weekend

Friday – A day of good food! For lunch I met Lisa at Matsuri for sushi. Mmm mmm. For dinner Steve and I checked out Thai Basil in Chantilly. We started out with the steamed dumplings, spring rolls, and a round of Sapporo – all were delish. Steve ordered the green chicken curry and I got one of the specials which was seafood atop a spicy lo mein-like noodle. Tasty and very generous servings. I was going to order the coconut ice cream for dessert but the service was kind of slow (the place was packed) so we decided to call it a night.

Saturday – Steve was out with his new two-wheeled girlfriend so after the gym and Target, I strolled around Grand Mart in Sterling. Not as big as the Grand Mart in Glen Burnie, but it still has a decent selection. Picked up a bottle of the best margarita mix ever and finished my outing with a visit to the health food store. One of the guys at the gym mentioned that he had been taking a tablespoon of local honey (honey made by the bees in your ‘hood) for his allergies. As of this weekend, Giant was still waiting for the insurance company to approve my Allegra prescription the doc submitted to them last week Friday. Since I’m rationing my few remaining pills, I figured I’d give this honey thing a go since I usually have some on my oatmeal pancakes every morning anyway. I haven’t taken a pill since Friday and so far, no problems with my allergies. Of course, it has been raining the last few days so I’ll have to see how things go now that it’s no longer raining.

That night we went to Helen’s for dinner and some quality time with the family. My two picks for the NCAA championship are out so I’ve officially kissed my $5 buh-bye.

Sunday – A day of chores, chores, and taxes. I did get to work on the shrug that I’m crocheting. It’s a little chunkier than I’d like because the yarn I’m using is el cheapo from Michael’s but it’s fine for a first attempt.


M. said...

I've heard that honey and allegies thing before. Nice shrug!

CherryDeGrassi said...

The honey seems to be working for me but Steve's gettin' no love from the bee juice.