Sunday, March 22, 2009


It wasn't pretty, but it's done. We managed to slip past the finish line just shy of the 4:00 hour mark. Steve and I leap-frogged one another for the first 17 miles, after that it was a team effort. After getting through a series of hills between miles 23 and 24 in Anacostia, my heart felt like it was going to burst. Steve realized around mile 24 that if we pushed it, we could finish with a sub-4:00. (If my brain hadn't stalled, I would have had the sense to push a button on my watch to show the elapsed time since we crossed the starting line to realize this as well - thankfully his brain worked.) We ran mile 25 hard and sprinted the last 0.2. Thanks to Steve for pushing me through that last bit - I'm not sure I could have done it without him.

Highlights from the race:
- A series of motivational sayings written in chalk on the road around the DC waterfront. My favorite: You're a pirate. Yar.
- The female cop in Anacostia yelling, "Girl Power. You boys are doing all right too."
- Students from Howard University blaring music and dancing along the side of the road.
- The sign that said, "Your feet hurt from kicking so much a$$.'

A few pics from the weekend:


M. said...

Sick tats. What did you eat afterwards?

CherryDeGrassi said...

I ate spicy marinara with shrimp and scallops over pasta, a Great Harvest chocolate chip cookie, a chicken burrito bol (yes, I'm getting tired of Chipotle - Steve owes me dinner at Thai Basil), and chocolate lava cake.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on getting under the 4hr mark! That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! :)


CherryDeGrassi said...

Thank you, thank you!