Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Recap

Saturday - Last longer distance run before the marathon next weekend. After that I spent most of the day painting our dining area olive white. It's subtle but better than the white that we had.

On our way to Chipotle that night we noticed one of the streets near our house was closed off and there were about 3 cop cars there with their lights on. Then we noticed a cop (we're assuming) in camo, helmet, and a rifle in hand. Uhhh... what is going on? On the way home, camo man was still out patrolling the street. In addition we happened to pass the Loudoun County Bomb Squad truck turning toward the closed off street. No idea what was going on.

Sunday - Second coat of paint. After that we went to Randy's swim meet but ended up missing it because it ended earlier than he expected. Strolled around the furniture store before heading to Helen's to watch football. I couldn't stand the thought of being inside on such a nice day so I spent a few hours raking leaves in her backyard. Rewarded myself with a few Coronas and wings before dinner.

1 comment:

M. said...

What no McDonald's yellow?!