Saturday, October 25, 2008


Maybe I am. I bought a hat yesterday at the MCM Expo that I was thinking about wearing for tomorrow's race. Navy blue running cap that has the MCM logo on the front and 2008 on the back. The more I thought about wearing it, the more I thought that I might jinx myself and not finish the race. What if I trip and break an ankle at mile 26? What if I get locked in a port-o-potty? I've decided the anxiety and worrying isn't worth it, so I will wait until after I finish the race to wear the hat. Until then here's what I will be wearing on my foot tour of Arlington and DC:

It's supposed to be cold in the morning so I'll also have to pick a shirt or two that I can toss once I warm up. (The Marines donate whatever clothing is left on the course.)

1 comment:

Jenny Igoe said...

Good luck tomorrow!! :)
