Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bon Voyage, Happy 40th, and Sushi

Our weekends are either feast or famine and this time it was a big, fat feast of things to do.

Saturday – Taper time! This means our Saturday morning long runs are getting shorter since the marathon is only two weeks away. This weekend we were down to 14 miles; I think we’ll be doing 10 next week. Spent most of the day running your typical suburban errands: bank, Home Depot, etc… That night we headed to Gordon Bierche in Rockville to wish Kim and Steve bon voyage before they move to Japan . Plans for us to visit them and run the Tokyo marathon are in the making.

After a few beers and apps, it was back to Reston for Heidi’s 40th birthday shindig. (She’s one of Steve’s tri friends who will also be doing her first Ironman next July.)

Sunday – DeGuzman family day in MD. My sister and her hubster Joe took us to the Cross Street Market in B’more for some yummy sushi and beers. On the way back to their place, we took a quick detour to El Grande – a huge international grocery store – to find the avocado ice cream my sister was raving about. No luck; they had mango and red bean, but no avocado. We spent the rest of the afternoon sewing pillow covers while the boys watched football. Mom, Dad, and Rob stopped by and brought the avocado ice cream we were searching for. Too bad I was too stuffed to try any.


Jenny Igoe said...

I was in Baltimore on Sunday, too! Only I was in Catonsville, at my dad's place for his 60th birthday. :)


CherryDeGrassi said...

I miss Baltimore.

Jenny Igoe said...

Yeah, so do I sometimes.