Friday, October 10, 2008

HOA Rant

Months ago a piece of window trim on our house fell off after a storm. Today we got a certified letter from our HOA informing us about the board hearing to "determine the appropriate action to remedy the above-reference violation." Ummm.... we fixed it. Months ago. I present to you Exhibit A:

Notice that there is no window trim missing. The only thing missing is the Mini Cooper convertible that's on my wish list. (No offense Jeepy. I still love you and am not planning to replace you.)

Last year they sent us a nastygram for not having all our caps on our fence. Hello f#$%tards. That's our neighbor's fence you're referring to.

In the meantime, there are a number of exposed cables throughout the neighborhood. See Exhibit B below.

HOA blames Comcast and claims they can't do anything about it. Well then I blame Mother Nature for any future damages to my house. Don't get me wrong. I know the HOA serves a purpose. They prevent people from painting their houses purple and having cars on cinder blocks in their front yard. Of course that doesn't explain why it took them a year to get my neighbor to remove the two rusty bikes, one of which didn't even have a seat, from his front porch.

1 comment:

Bubba Harmon said...

So what do you have against cars sitting on cinder blocks? That's normal for us West Virginians! Okay, I'm upitty. Mine do actually sit on stands. ;-P