Sunday, October 26, 2008

4:03:38 PR

It was a tougher race than I expected, but I managed to squeak out a PR (personal record) today. We had some trouble finding the bag check before the race so by the time we got into the corral we only had a minute or two before the race started - a little stressful. The first few miles are always hard for me; it takes me 2-3 miles before I can get any kind of breathing pattern down. Unfortunately today I felt like I struggled with my breathing the entire time. Fortunately Steve ran with me the whole race which kept me from walking. (We had the exact same splits to the second at each timing mat.)

For a little while we were on track to finish at exactly 4 hours. By the time we got to mile 18, I knew that I'd be lucky to beat my time from the National Marathon. The last 6 miles weren't pretty, but I did beat my National time by 62 seconds. Not great, but I'll take it.

I'll also be taking several handfuls of my chocolate Chex Mix and chocolate covered pretzels. Gotta reward myself somehow ya know?!

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