Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day weekend recap

Saturday - A day of domestic glamour. Okay, maybe "glamour" is the wrong word. I figured I was already sweaty and stinky from my run so I decided to finally begin waterproofing our deck. Kudos to Steve for not locking me out. The last two times I've waterproofed the deck he locked me out. The first time it happened I had painted myself into a little square by the door and was about to scoot into the house to finish the section by the door only to find that my dear husband had locked me out. Jerk. He finally came in from the garage about 40 minutes later. The last time he did it I was still working on the railings and at least wasn't confined to a 2' x 2' square. Good thing because he had gone to his mom's house in Leesburg for a few hours.

We also took the Jeep's hard top off. Jeepy is sunbathing in our drive topless as I write this and her headlights are not on. Went to Mimi's Cafe for dinner and ordered the fried pickles as an appetizer. They were curious and tasted okay but were definitely too greasy for my liking.

Sunday - Sewing class during the day, then Steve and I went to his Aunt Patt's for a BBQ.

Monday - Took a ride through some purty parts of Loudoun County that I had never been to. Went to Helen's for some quality pool time with the family.

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