Wednesday, June 11, 2008

New Hampshire Recap

Pictures from the weekend on Shutterfly for those of you who hate reading.

Friday - Steve, Nina (one of his tri buddies), and I started our 10 hour trek to Laconia, NH at 6:40ish in the morning. With the exception of some traffic right outside of Boston, we made pretty good time and got to the Lighthouse B&B where about 10 of us were staying around 5:30/6:00. After a quick pizza dinner, we all hit the sack so that we could get up early to watch the International distance tri that some people we knew would be racing in the next morning.

Saturday - Blueberry pancakes with REAL maple syrup (not the fake processed crap that we're used to) were on the menu for breakfast. The gang then headed to Wellington State Park to catch the tri which was supposed to start at 7:30. Because of the dense fog, they delayed the race start about an hour since you couldn't see the buoys much less a swimmer in trouble.

After the race, a few people decided to test out the 58 degree water in preparation for the half-ironman race the next day. A few of them had their wetsuits, while a few unfortunate/crazy ones took the dip "sans suit". Judging by the look on Steve's face, I'm gonna guess it was a shock to the system.

Oh! Spotted a black bear as we were driving. I thought it was a big black dog at first so no, I don't have pictures.

Sunday - 4:00 am came much too quickly and we were on the road by 4:45. The good news was that it was warmer than the previous day which made the water a whole 2 degrees warmer. The bad news is that it made for a hell of a hot run by the time most of our group started their run. It was probably around 92 by noon and they were handing the athletes sponges soaked in ice water to help keep them cool. We heard that quite a few people were treated for heat-related issues, but fortunately it wasn't anyone from our group. Anyway, Steve finished in just under 7 hours. Not as well as he had hoped, but pretty darn good considering the conditions.

Steve and I hit the Town Dock for dinner and I grabbed a scoop of chocolate chip and pistachio ice cream from the ice cream shop next door. $1.50 for two ginormous scoops that they called "kiddie" size. I love NH.

Monday - Egg souffle day at the B&B. Then it was off to the beach for some R&R. A few of us hit the Town Dock for a dinner of lobster rolls, mussels, and other yummy things. Topped this off with chocolate chip (my favorite) and expresso brownie swirl ice cream.

Tuesday - Back to VA just in time for a thunderstorm that caused the temp to drop from 103 to about 71 in about 15 minutes.

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