Monday, May 12, 2008

Weekend recap

Friday - Chipotle and reruns of the Dog Whisperer - what else.

Saturday - Woke up to pouring rain and decided to go to the gym instead of running in the rain. Glad I did since I was able to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while. Ran some errands and spent most of the day baking cookies (crispy chocolate chip, sugar, and pine nut) like a mad Keebler Elf.

Sunday - Headed out at 6:00 a.m. for a 12 mile run with Steve. Showered and then headed to Leesburg to have Mother's Day breakfast at Steve's mom Helen. Yummy breakfast of egg casserole, potatoes, red chile, French toast, fruit, crepes, and of course mimosas. Registered Randy (16 yr old nephew) for his first mini-triathlon as an early birthday gift then headed up north to my parents. Meal #2 consisted of way too much Chinese food that Mom was craving. After some early birthday cake and ice cream for moi, got back on the road for the 1 1/2 hour long trip home in the torrential downpour.

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