Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sudden death

Unfortunately I'm not talking about some sport. John, a project manager for one of the projects that I support died unexpectedly. He called in sick on Friday. Monday rolled around and he was still not in the office and no one had heard from him. On Tuesday two of my co-workers who are friends with John went to his house, busted in, and found him; it looks as if he died in his sleep sometime over the weekend. Crazy. So quick. Without warning. He was only 43.

We have a deadline that we're all supposed to be working towards but I think we're all pretty distracted by John's death. I'm finding handwritten notes from John for edits that he wants included in the manual. I look through old e-mails for information that I need and find silly comments that John has made in his messages. It's amazing how much of an impression we all leave with one another without ever realizing it.

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