Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekend Recap

Friday - Steve surprised me with an ice cream cake after dinner since we didn't have cake on my actual birthday. I love extended birthday surprises!

Saturday - Headed up to Baltimore with Maricel for a pet trade show. Our friend Terri is opening a dog spa later this year and invited us to check out the show. Yes, I know that I don't own a dog, but just go with it.

Interesting assortment of people, products, and pups (Faith the two-legged dog was there: After sampling some human-edible dog treats (pretty tasty ~ or maybe I was just really hungry) we headed over to the harbor and grabbed grub at the Cheesecake Factory. Did some quick shopping in B'more before making the trek back to VA.

Oh! Birthday day 3 continues. Maricel gave me an apron kit for my birthday. Plus I came home to find a package the coffee that my parents ordered for me on my front porch. The actual coffee maker is supposed to be here any day.

Sunday - Early morning run around the neighborhood. Spent the day in a sewing class learning how to make a blouse.

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