Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Your Pain is Our Pleasure

That's the tagline for the Skyline Challenge 50K that I'll be running this Saturday. Sounds fun eh? I hadn't planned to run this race, but Mandy thought it'd be a good training run in preparation for the 50-miler in October. (I think this means I'm committing to the 50-miler.) Skyline is around the same area as the Capon 50K that we ran in May and the elevation profile looks to be similar. The steepest climb looks to be around miles 13-14 with a section that has a 16% grade. I'll plan my walk and snack break around that time.

Although I didn't think I'd be nervous about this race since it's suppose to be just a training run, I did have a dream last night that indicates a bit of anxiety. In my dream I showed up to the race completely unprepared: I hadn't eaten breakfast and had no trail shoes, no hydration pack, no nutrition, nada. When I went back to wherever my gear was, I found a relative I'd never met eating my breakfast including the last bit of my peanut butter. We got into a fight and at one point my pinky finger was stuck in their ear. Nope, I'm not nervous.

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