Friday, July 30, 2010

Lake Placid Week Recap

We hit the road at 5am last Thursday and were in Lake Placid, NY by 2:30pm.

My BIL Joe's birthday was the day before the race so we set up a scavenger hunt so that he could search for his presents.

On race day we all wore our duck hats again so that Steve and our friend Joe could easily spot us.

The guys were ready for the 7am swim start along with about 2000+ other triathletes.

Steve had an okay swim, a great bike, but dropped out of the race around mile 10 of the marathon due to dehydration, nausea, and cramping. He thought he might be able to walk the marathon but even that caused his legs to cramp with every step.

We spent the rest of the week playing ladderball,

Checking out the shops in town,

Visiting the Olympic ski jump facility,

Taking a boat tour around Lake Placid to check out the mega-homes (that's one piece of property with multiple homes and boat houses), 

Hanging out at the beach,

And goofing off.

Good times.

More pictures on Shutterfly.

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