Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Break

I had a dream that I quit my job. Oh wait; that wasn't a dream. Today I gave my employer my two-weeks notice. "Where are you going to work now?" you ask. Not sure. That's right. I'm quitting my job and don't have a position with Company X lined up.

Have you lost your mind? Nope; I'm actually working to get my mind back. I've spent the last few years working on mind-numbing tasks (think preparing PowerPoint slides) and very little time writing or developing new skills.

What are you going to be doing? I've done a little bit of freelance writing on the side and have always been interested in the prospect of doing more of it. So primarily I'll be focusing on freelancing. I've also considered working as a personal trainer on the side because I'm one of those weirdos that actually enjoys being at the gym. To be honest, I'm open to pretty much anything where I can learn something new.

What does Steve think of this? This was actually Steve's idea. He knows how unhappy I've been at work and encouraged me to leave.

Aren't you worried? Yes, I'm nervous and have had more than one Holy Sh*t moment. But I'm also really excited about the freedom and opportunity to try something new. I know it's going to be hard and a LOT of work. But at the same time I know I'll be able to learn a lot more than if I stay in my current situation. Yes, it's a risky move but it's also a risk if I stay put.

What if nothing you do works out? Then I go back to corporate life silly.

1 comment:

Jenny Igoe said...

Wow! Good for you!! :) I can't wait to see how things work out!
